Tricycle Driver Arrested for Allegedly Defiling Girl, 4 At Mbanaayili

Abdullah Abdul Rahama, 20 , a tricycle driver is in the grips of the Northern Regional Police Command for allegedly defiling a 4 year old girl ( name withheld) at Read More... The post Tricycle Driver Arrested for Allegedly Defiling Girl, 4 At Mbanaayili appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Tricycle Driver Arrested for Allegedly Defiling Girl, 4 At Mbanaayili

Abdullah Abdul Rahama, 20 , a tricycle driver is in the grips of the Northern Regional Police Command for allegedly defiling a 4 year old girl ( name withheld) at Mbanaayili in the Kumbungu district of the Northern region.

Information available to DGN Online indicates that the suspect went to the Mbanaayili SDA primary school to use its toilet when he saw the victim and called her into the toilet and defiled her.

An eyewitness , Osman Yazeed told journalists that they were working when an elderly man passing by asked them about the owner of the parked tricycle because he heard someone crying in the toilet.

“ We went with the elderly man to the toilet when we saw the tricycle rider coming out so our colleague used the other gate and saw the little girl as well and when he asked her if the tricycle rider sent her inside the toilet she said yes and added that the tricycle rider defiled her.”

He said the suspect tried escaping with his tricycle but residents chased and arrested him and later handed him over to the police when they arrived in the community.

The suspect Abdul Rahama however confessed that he did defile the victim when the residents interrogated him.

According to him, he went to the toilet at the school to attend to nature’s call then met the victim at the toilet.

“When I met her inside the toilet she begged me for money then I removed Gh 3.00 and gave it to her but I don’t know what came over me then I defiled her.”

“After the act the girl gave the money back to me and refused to follow me when I decided to pick her to the house so when I was coming out a gentleman walked towards me and said they heard someone crying in the toilet then I sat on my tricycle and sped off. When I got to a section of the road some youth stopped me and said I had defiled a little girl to which I accepted the claim because I actually defiled the girl.”

The suspect begged for forgiveness adding that he did not know what came over him to do such a thing to the little girl.

The victims Grandmother, Abdulia Amina appealed to the police to ensure that the suspect is punished severely for the crime he has committed to serve as a deterrent to others in the community.

Meanwhile, the suspect is in police custody and will be arraigned before court after investigations.

FROM Eric Kombat, Mbanaayili

The post Tricycle Driver Arrested for Allegedly Defiling Girl, 4 At Mbanaayili appeared first on DailyGuide Network.