Twitter users mock FDA’s 'big ice chest' for food samples at Marwako

The internet just got thrilling with many hilarious reactions from Netizens on Twitter concerning the big-sized ice chest they appeared at Marwako with for sampling.

Twitter users mock FDA’s 'big ice chest' for  food samples at Marwako

The internet just got thrilling with many hilarious reactions from Netizens on Twitter concerning the big-sized ice chest they appeared at Marwako with for sampling.

Marwako, a popular fast-food eatery in Accra has been trending on Twitter after several Twitter users complained of getting food poisoning after eating from them over the weekend.

The social media rants commenced after a user, Edward Elohim posted that food from the restaurant had given him and several other people food poisoning.

The Food and Drugs Authority today, May 12th, 2022, visited the East Legon branch and ordered the immediate close down of restaurant Marwako.

FDA ice chest Marwako
FDA ice chest Marwako

They also made an appearance with an ice chest to take samples of food from Marwako's kitchen to the laboratory for investigation and social media seem overwhelmed by its size as they hilariously react to it on Twitter especially.

The FDA's 'big-sized' ice chest has generated massive reactions with many asserting that they only brought it to gather launch for the rest of the staff in their office and not for sampling.

Here are some tweets that could cause your sides to split.