We don’t employ ourselves – GNAT charges at Controller over ‘draconian’ directive on Ghana card

• The CAGD has threatened not to pay government workers without a Ghana Card from December • GNAT says this is unacceptable since they don’t employ themselves • GNAT wants the CAGD to review the directive or expect an appropriate response from them The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) has stated that it will not be cowed into accepting the draconian directive by the Controller and Accountants General Department, threatening to hold back salaries of government workers without the Ghana card by December 1.

We don’t employ ourselves – GNAT charges at Controller over ‘draconian’ directive on Ghana card
• The CAGD has threatened not to pay government workers without a Ghana Card from December • GNAT says this is unacceptable since they don’t employ themselves • GNAT wants the CAGD to review the directive or expect an appropriate response from them The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) has stated that it will not be cowed into accepting the draconian directive by the Controller and Accountants General Department, threatening to hold back salaries of government workers without the Ghana card by December 1.