You’re the change we want – Kofi Bentil praises Togbe Afede for rejecting ex-gratia

Kofi Bentil, vice president of Imani Africa, has lauded Togbe Afede XIV, the Agbogbomefia of Asogli State, for rejecting a GHS365,000 ex-gratia that was paid to him by the state for serving as a Council of State member.

You’re the change we want – Kofi Bentil praises Togbe Afede for rejecting ex-gratia

Kofi Bentil, vice president of Imani Africa, has lauded Togbe Afede XIV, the Agbogbomefia of Asogli State, for rejecting a GHS365,000 ex-gratia that was paid to him by the state for serving as a Council of State member.

The revered traditional leader has made headlines as a result of the rejection of the huge sum, with many Ghanaians praising him and urging others to emulate his gesture.

In a statement, he clarified: "I confirmed from the Council of State Secretariat that the sum of 365, 392.67 was paid into my account as ex-gratia. I thought the extra payment was inappropriate for the short, effectively part-time work, for which I received a monthly salary and was entitled to other privileges. So I was very uncomfortable with it.

"I did not think the payment was made to trap me, as is being speculated. I believe it was paid to everybody who served on the Council of State. However, I thought that extra payment was inappropriate for a short, effectively part-time work, for which I received a monthly salary and was entitled to other privileges. So, I was very uncomfortable with it.

"After weeks of trying, I obtained advice on how to refund inappropriate payments to the State, and on March 4, 2022, I made the refund into the Controller & Accountant General’s Department Suspense Account at the Bank of Ghana."

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Reacting to Togbe Afede’s statesmanlike show of love for his country, Bentil said politicians who call themselves "honourable" but have no good conscience, like the former National House of Chiefs’ president, must bow their heads in shame.

"Dear Togbi Afede

"You won more respect! You’re the change we want to see. "I wish those who take poor peoples money for a part time job will grow a conscience! When I see them pretending to be honorable it makes me sick! " Kofi Bentil wrote on his Facebook page.


The development has reignited calls for the abolishment of the payment of ex-gratia to article 71 office holders, which includes, the President of the nation, his Vice, ministers, parliamentarians, and members of the judiciary, among others.

Analysts have argued over the years that such huge payments to politicians, some of whom served for just four years, while public sector workers who spent a minimum of thirty years working for the state are given paltry sums as pension payments, is senseless and unfair.