Yvonne Nelson brands Nana Addo as 'hardened-heart Pharaoh' in new social media post

Yvonne Nelson is mounting more pressure on H.E Nana Addo over the unbearable economic hardship Ghanaians are facing in the country.

Yvonne Nelson brands Nana Addo as 'hardened-heart Pharaoh' in new social media post

Yvonne Nelson is mounting more pressure on H.E Nana Addo over the unbearable economic hardship Ghanaians are facing in the country.

The outspoken Ghanaian actress who has been an open critic of the ruling NPP government now describes the Ghanaian president as the wicked Egyptian, Pharaoh, known biblically for acting against the will of God.

Yvonne Nelson via a post shared on Twitter describes the sitting Ghanaian President as a hardened-heart Pharaoh.

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This wouldn't be the first time Yvonne Nelson has called out Nana Addo over economic hardship in Ghana. In a recent post, she said "Mr President, his eye drop ( xalacom) was 120ghc , its now 273ghc and even 300ghc in some pharmacies. I need to use this every evening, without it, the pressures on my eye will go up and will result in glaucoma. How many Ghanaians do you…"


In her latest move, the actress changed her Twitter profile to a meme that brands H.E Nana Addo as the Egyptian ruler. The meme which comes with a photo of the President comes with a text that reads "and God kept hardening Pharaoh's heart".

After making the meme her Twitter profile photo, she tweeted it on her timeline which attracted mixed reactions from her followers.

"The other Pharaoh was very handsome,let us not compare the two.Lucifer was a crown son nd king of the lords kingdom but because of his arrogance, wickedness, greediness wanted every thing for himself God dethroned him!," a Tweep said.


Another added that "God we know we have all sinned but please this punishment you are paying us is too much to bear".


However, others classified Yvonne's tweet as a disrespect to the President as one Twitter user, @shaed_i said "show some respect to my president".


See more reactions to Yvonne Nelson's tweet below.
