Bawumia will make Ghana a paradise on earth if he becomes President – P.C Appiah-Ofori

A former Member of Parliament of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), P.C Appiah-Ofori has thrown his weight behind the Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to lead the party in the next elections.

Bawumia will make Ghana a paradise on earth if he becomes President – P.C Appiah-Ofori

A former Member of Parliament of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), P.C Appiah-Ofori has thrown his weight behind the Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to lead the party in the next elections.

He said a Bawumia presidency will be wonderful for Ghana as a country.

Speaking in an interview on Asaase Radio, Mr. Appiah-Ofori said the Vice President has the trait to make Ghana a paradise.

“I prefer Dr Bawumia to come again or to come and continue. Why am I saying this? Look at the background of Bawumia, he was in the Bank of Ghana and that’s where he was lucky. He is an expert in financial management and when he comes into an executive position, he’ll put things right. And at the end of the day, Ghana will be a paradise on earth.”

Also, he added that Bawumia gives the NPP the best chance to win the 2024 general elections.

“Because of his records; everybody knows that when Bawumia becomes the chief executive of the country, not subordinate to somebody, he’ll put things right in financial management. Managing the [country’s] finances very well, preventing or reducing corruption and saving money for the benefit of this country. Ghana will raise enough money for development, we need money to develop the country,” the former lawmaker said.

In a recent interview, the Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh-Dompreh also shared a similar sentiment by saying Dr. Bawumia will be Ghana’s next President.

P.C Appiah Ofori
P.C Appiah Ofori

While addressing NPP Delegates during the conference to elect the constituency Executives over the weekend, he said his support in the presidential contest will be for Dr. Bawumia.

“By the grace of the almighty Allah, the Dr. Bawumia will be the next President of Ghana. The NDC are very wild this time, we don’t have any fight with them neither do we have fight with John Mahama, in fact we respect John Mahama and we will continue to respect him but you were once an MP, Deputy minister, minister, vice president and a president why, does Ghana belong to your father? You have done your part step down,” he said.

He said it is imperative for the incumbent MPs to be protected while the party plans to annex more seats.