Dr.l Bortey Borketey, Charger Limited Win Big …At Responsible Business & Leadership Awards

Founding President of Charger Limited Dr Emmanuel Bortey Borketey, producers of Happy Man Bitters and Plus 1 drinks have excelled at the maiden Responsible Business & Leadership Awards in Accra. Read More... The post Dr.l Bortey Borketey, Charger Limited Win Big …At Responsible Business & Leadership Awards appeared first on DailyGuide Network.

Dr.l Bortey Borketey, Charger Limited Win Big …At Responsible Business & Leadership Awards

Founding President of Charger Limited Dr Emmanuel Bortey Borketey, producers of Happy Man Bitters and Plus 1 drinks have excelled at the maiden Responsible Business & Leadership Awards in Accra.

The Responsible Business and Leadership Awards (RBLEA) is an empowerment-driven initiative that seeks to distinguish and uphold the achievements of inspiring corporate front-runners of responsible values.

The Founder and President of Charger Limited, Dr. Bortey Borketey, was honored with the Business Leader of the Year for his inspiring and zest leadership skills exhibited in the corporate space.

The young Entrepreneur is known to be a man of the youth as he is surrounded mainly by groups of vibrant young men and women he mentors and supports in various ways.

So winning the Business Leader of the year was nothing short of deserving.

The night also witnessed Charger Limited winning The Responsible Manufacturing Company of the year (Beverages).

In 2021, Charger Limited, under a subsidiary company called Happy Man Beverages, launched its carbonated soft drinks line Plus 1. Within the span of a year, Plus one products are making waves steadily in the country while partaking in social interventions, as is the crucial principle of Charger Limited.

Elated Dr Bortey Borketey said “Two awards in one night seem like a great way to transition into the year’s first half.
“Most definitely, this will urge us on to do more in our space.”

The post Dr.l Bortey Borketey, Charger Limited Win Big …At Responsible Business & Leadership Awards appeared first on DailyGuide Network.