'Practice what you preach, give 10% of tithe you collect to GRA as E-tithe' - KSM to Pastors

KSM is calling on Ghanaian pastors to give what he believes belongs to Caesar to Ceaser.

'Practice what you preach, give 10% of tithe you collect to GRA as E-tithe' - KSM to Pastors

KSM is calling on Ghanaian pastors to give what he believes belongs to Caesar to Ceaser.

At the back of some pastors supporting the E-levy, the Ghanaian satirist is calling on them to practice what they preach by also paying tithe from the tithe they collect from their church members.

Mr Kwaku Sintim-Misa addressed his concern to the Christian Council of Ghana in a post he shared on social media.

"Dear CHRISTIAN COUNCIL, kindly donate 10% of all the Tithe Churches collect to the GRA. Let's call it E-TITHE. Support the E- LEVY for GH to become "like Europe ". (Practice what you Preach a beg)," he tweeted.


KSM's post has since triggered debate on the microblogging platform. A twitter user wrote "do people still pay that "thievery" called tithe? Why not invest it for themselves, instead of giving it to someone else who brand's himself "man of God"? And when they need assistance, they tell them church money is not meant to help members. Aaarh well, e no be my monies".

Another tweep, who disagrees with the opinion replied that "You call tithe thievery really Gid have mercy on ur poor soul n read ur bible Malachi 3:10".


"I don't get the argument at all. Like did God instruct churches to give tithes to government? Are governments, God's ministry that needs tithing? Sometimes I feel people just want to attack the church for no reasons. Churches use mobile money and will certainly pay e-levy," another Twitter user said.

"I think he's only calling for churches to give the tithes as DONATIONS. However, the argument that churches should pay tithes doesn't hold water. Churches are classified as "Not For Profit Organizations hence tithes given to them are tax-exempt" @bansah_frank replied.


See more tweets below for what tweeps have to tell KSM.
