NPP delegate collapses and dies after declaration of constituency election results

A delegate of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) collapsed and died after the results of the constituency elections in the Upper East Region were declared.

NPP delegate collapses and dies after declaration of constituency election results

A delegate of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) collapsed and died after the results of the constituency elections in the Upper East Region were declared.

The deceased, who has been identified as Paul Amalba Azika, was the polling station chairman of Azika class village center.

His death was confirmed by the Upper East Regional Chairman of the party, Anthony Anamoo in an interview with Joy News.

According to him, Paul Amalba was a campaign team member of Awudu Asonga, who was vying for the position of the NPP’s Chairman for the constituency.

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Joy News reports that counting for the other portfolios went on successfully until it got to the tallying of the constituency chairmanship votes.

Paul Alba is said to have collapsed when his preferred candidate lost by two votes and was later pronounced dead at the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital.

The Upper East Regional Chairman of the NPP said the deceased was “very supportive of the party, and somebody, who for all intents and purposes, had the belief that, Awudu will be the best constituency chairman for the constituency, and so he invested a lot of emotions, energy, and what have you.”

“The immediate cause that we laymen can say is because of the fact that his candidate did not win,” he added.

Meanwhile, the deceased is survived by a wife and two children.